

spacerbody | color | collections | commodity | cube | document | fabric | fetish | gender | glass | home | identity | living | machine | metal | minimal | mobility | narrative | olfactory | organic |
spacerpain | paper | plastic | plugs | power | protective | rectangular | ritual | round | sound | souvenir | spiritual | style | text-based | time | tool | touch | uniform | value | visual | warm | wood

spacer Compact Disc: Mahler - Symphonie 7 spacer  

Narrative: Copper sourced from Chile, Peru, or Ecuador and produced in a factory in the United States; aluminum from Russia or China; polycarbonate plastic from California, South Africa, Somalia, South Korea, or Germany; boxite from Australia, and parts assembled in a factory in the United States.

The larger supply chain includes: Petroleum refineries; Power generation and supply; Plastics material and resin manufacturing; Coal mining; Alumina refining and primary aluminum production; Oil and Gas extraction; Motor vehicle parts and manufacturing; Truck transportation; Iron and steel mills.

Deutsche Grammophon is a German classical record label. It was the foundation of the future corporation to be known as Polygram. It is now part of Universal Music Group (UMG) since its acquisition and absorption of PolyGram in 1999, and it is also UMG's oldest active label. It is also the oldest surviving established record company.

I downloaded this album in 2007 working on a video titled Pangaea Ultima and used parts of Symphonie 7 for the first version's soundtrack. The album was burned to CD and traveled with me from Queens to the Waterpod to Manhattan. It is currently with me in Brooklyn.






  mary mattingly

